Rest in peace Nani, I shan't miss you, as you live on in the love that you put in my heart. Enjoy your freedom from mortal flesh. I always did and always will love you... Your grandson,and ek lota nati, aseem
Ammaji, my grandmother was suddenly serious in the intensive care unit, please pray for my loved one, may God have mercy, she has just passed away
Ammaji, my grandmother is serious in the intensive care unit, please pray for my loved one, may God have mercy
How Egypt did (and your government could) shut down the Internet
Mrs.Kalmadi? IT presumes? - The Income Tax department actually wanted to check if my MOTHER was a money launderer... Well she has a washing machine...
6 Plot Threads Famous Movies Forgot to Resolve -
New Indian 2G Policy curtain raiser...Clean up? Or Muck up? the jury is still out...
This snowy morning
that black crow
I hate so much . . .
But he's beautiful!
~ Basho
Good Morning
"Canada is a District of Punjab"
Silver-lining... Spam SMS detonates suicide bomb early, saves hundreds
"If you can think about, it's not the truth."
Dhobi Ghat didn't disappoint good cinematography, great old song track... Old story line... Good is the biggest enemy of Great
Come 2 watch fellow Kolkatan's Magnum Opus ... Hope she does justice & that Aamir's doing it out of conviction, not compulsion ;) Hey He's a Man!
Average iPhone Owner Has 108 Apps
India's central bank throttles eCommerce- RBI Restricts PayPal Payments To Merchants To Under $500
Now that eyes of hawks
in dusky night
are darkened . . .
Chirping of the quails
~ Basho
Good Morning
Linkedin going going gone IPO!
Unlimited 3G Data Plan @ Rs. 750 from MTNL
Nice: wild persimmons . . .
and notice how
the mother
Eats the bitter parts
~ Issa
Good Morning!
AT&T trying to cling on to iPhone customers by offering them unlimited data (again) -
Cell phone home delivery Refer to the Nexus One case study - people don't buy unless they can touchy and feely
See the morning breeze
ruffling his so
silky hair . . .
Cool caterpillar
~ Buson
Good Morning.
Only sick music makes money today. Friedrich Nietzsche, Der Fall Wagner, Section 5. German philosopher (1844 -1900)
Check This OUT! Google Cloud Print is live! Awesome!
ROFLMAO! Want Free Pizza? Threaten to switch your TSP!
I've said it before and I'll say it again... If you have a 1GHz mobile processor wait a generation for a quad core ... I promise it won't be long -
Considerate dogs . . .
stepping off
into the snow
As I walk the path
~ Issa
Good Morning
Long live the Republic of India!
Unlimited Data Plans for $30! but why only for the iphone, what about all the BB's, Nokia's, winmo's and androids?
Thank you Niira!
As public perception merges with the reality, public relations may no longer be a bad word!
Arise from sleep, old cat,
and with great yawns
and stretchings . . .
Amble out for love
~ Issa
Good Morning.
Twitter Ad Revenue May Triple This Year to $150 Million Yes! There is "a new hope"!
Feeling overweight? So is the economy! USA spends $160 billion— on keeping its society fat!
WTH! Jesse James and Kat Von D are Engaged??
PostUp Acquires UberTwitter, Renames Itself (Again) To UberMedia
If u can't buy it DONT compete w/it, learn ur Buzz & Wave lsns- change the game like Andy did Vs Symb (NOT iOS) @google
@Google if u can't buy it DONT compete w/it, learn ur Buzz & Wave lsns- change the game like Andy did Vs Symb (NOT iOS)
Fireworks ended
and spectators
gone away . . .
And how vast and dark!
~ Shiki Good (perspective) Morning
Google 'offers' Vs Groupon Hasn't Buzz Vs twitter Or facebook Vs wave taught them anything? Android was Vs Symbian not iOS, as most seem to believe
An Anti Google Story a good thoughtful read
Ernest Benn
"Politics is the art of looking 4 trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, & applying the wrong remedy."
It's official, your 1st Impression is your last - - God help me!
One for the record books - solar power desalination in Abu Dhabi Hats off Sheikh, praying for its success #ftw
Are iPhone Owners Getting Screwed by Apple? one more reason to detest them
Cute! 10 things about a Good Boss-
Are you still using Pen Drives? Grow Up! Get DropBox!
Eric Schmodt gets (in) the Boot & Larry's Back in the Driver's Seat!
If you've got a smartphone or 2 computers - you HAVE TO to install DropBox - It WILL change your life
Wake! The sky is light!
let us to the road
again . . .
Companion butterfly!
~ Basho
Good Morning!
I have been patient & trusting, I had been waiting since Xmas for gingerbread... I am now fed up with @Google, and have rooted my Nexus One
33 More Entertaining 404 Error Pages These are great 360 Branding examples
Android vs iOS: Top 5 reasons Why Android Wins
Too curious flower
watching us pass,
met death . . .
Our hungry donkey
~ Basho
Good Morning
MoEF recommends demolition of Adarsh will they replace the original flora and fauna? or is just to satisfy their fat egos?
Must springtime fade?
then cry all birds . . .
and fishes
Cold pale eyes pour tears
Wishing you a better day than mine
Android 2.3 update: When's it coming to my phone?
The pall of death hangs over my family... God, Thy will be done. I'm
praying for the removal of suffering and peace for all
Long the summer day . . .
patterns on
the ocean sand . . .
Our idle footprints
~ Shiki
Good Morning
WiMAX operators meet in Taipei to draft global roaming agreement Telcos better get their act together, or 3G will go the way of the dodo
FaceMash resurrected as Cubeduel on LinkedIn... Give into Your Darker Side
I gave the Greetings
of the Bright
NEW YEAR . . . As though
I held a plum-branch
~ Shiki
Good Morning
2011 Predictions: What's Ahead for the Mobile Web and SmartPhone Platforms
Next Version Of Android Will Be Called “Ice Cream Sandwich”
Rupert Murdoch wields his axe on MySpace: cuts global workforce in half
Another Dummies Guide to CDMA Vs GSM Networks- IMHO GSM #FTW All The Way! has acquired Kolkata-based daily deal site may soon get renamed as Groupon India.
Butterfly asleep
folded soft on
temple bell . . .
Then bronze gong rang!
~ Buson
A wake up call if I'd heard one! Good Morning!
US dominates spam senders lists stop blaming bangalore
Winona Ryder: iPhone owner but fears the Internet! any doubts of her nutcase status vanish in her kleptomania
Awesome Video! Man Vs Machine Google Goggles does Sudoku!
Online ID .... Inspired by India's UIDAI Aadhaar?
"App" voted Word of the Year! "Tweet" was last year's "Word of the Year"
A New Hope - eMedicine dawns in India with mobile healthcare
The machines are not just number crunching anymore, they're making decisions: Algorithms take control of Wall Street
Did you know Wesley Snipes was in Jail??? Talk about life mimicking art!!
PROOF: Music does create a high
White cloud of mist
above white
cherry-blossoms . . .
Dawn-shining mountains
~ Basho
Good Morning.
Green shadow-dances . . .
see our young
Pattering the screen
~ Shiki
Happy Sunday
Cox and Arquette: Modern Divorce Role Models what next !?
While we gripe about food inflation & the price of onions, Death toll among the homeless in northern India due to the cold spell continues to rise
In the city fields
cherry-trees . . .
Strangers are like friends
~ Issa
Good Morning friend!
Motorola Atrix 4G- I'm waiting to see their version of a Nexus phone!
Want to irritate your boss? Here's How! props to Kukil Bora I am prone to No.6.. what about you?
White chrysanthemum . . .
before that
perfect flower
Scissors hesitate
~ Buson
Good Morning.
For a lovely bowl
let us arrange these
Since there is no rice
~ Basho
Good Morning.
Finally!a story that's not about facebook or apple!
If only telecos would sign mou's & stop fleecing each other's customers whenever they travel, we wouldn't have to do this
The bitten apple vs the green robot, robot's POV
2011, Net Neutrality, A Couple of Misconceptions and Realities
"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life & share with others the same happiness." -Kahlil Gibran
North Korea allows first Western movie to be aired: 'Bend it Like Beckham' G.CHADDHA RULZ
10 technologies to look forward to in 2011
Wikipedia Raises $16 Million to Remain Ad-Free
In the holy dusk
nightingales begin
their psalm . . .
Good! The dinner-gong!
~ Buson
Happy New Year!
For all my friends still struggling to quit tobacco.. Good News nicorette is FINALLY in India...